Service Calls - For Admins

Service Calls - For Admins

  1. So today I'm going to show you how to create a Service call in the system.
  2. So the first thing we want to do is come down here to the left.
  3. Go down to Service calls.
  4. And we're going to create a new Service call. So I'm going to select a new Service call.
  5. And what that will do, it will bring us to the Service call Page.
  6. So in Workhorse when you're creating a Service call or a Subscription, you always want to follow the "One - Two - Three - Four Method"

"One - Two - Three - Four Method"

  1. And by that, I mean, we always want to select a Contact first.
  2. and a Company, then a Site, and then a Deal.
  3. So for this instance, I'm going to type in select the contact that we have in the system.
  4. There's no company tied to this contact so we can leave that blank.
  5. Once we select site it will pull up a list of all of these sites that are tied to this particular contact. So I'm going to select one of these.
  6. And then under deal.
  7. It will show the deal that's tied to this particular site for this contact so we can select the deal.
  8. If we scroll down further.
  9. We can see the particular charges for this.


  1. So for the service call we can select if this is warranty or not. So if you have a customer or warranty, you can select warranty
  2. and what that will do is it will show the charges but it will Zero out the invoice for you.
  3. For this example, I'm going to uncheck this and leave it blank.
  4. We have the option to make this taxable or not. So for today, we're
  5. going to leave it as taxable so I can show you how the taxes calculates.
  6. Then here we also have notified customer and notify Tech.
  7. So once this service call is scheduled the customer, as well as a technician received text messages letting them
  8. know that this service call was scheduled with the date and time and for the customer it will display the company as
  9. well as the technician that is assigned to this particular service call.
  10. And for the technician it will show them the customer that is for the service call.
  11. For this example, I'm going to leave these unchecked.
  12. Then down here, we have the hourly fee as well as the travel fee.
  13. And these can always be adjusted here.


  1. If we scroll up we can enter the reason for this service call.
  2. This example, Customer needs a new door contact.
  3. The reason for the service call here will display on the invoice for the customer to view.
  4. As well as the technician will be able to see this on their calendar.


  1. So here we can add any products. We need for this particular service call.
  2. We know we need a door contact. So I'm going to type in door contacts.
  3. We can pick one of the products that we have in the system.
  4. We can adjust the quantity here as well. So for example say that we want to give them four.
  5. We can select 4 and submit.
  6. So now we have those products listed here.
  7. The next thing we want to do is schedule a technician for the service call.


  1. So if we select show scheduler here.
  2. We'll pull up all the technicians that we have in the system.
  3. We can always adjust the day as well.
  4. So for this example, I'm going to leave it on today.
  5. But I'm going to come over and select a technician.
  6. So I'm going to use Stephen Hayes in this example.
  7. And then I'm going to double click on a time slot.
  8. So we can see it automatically pulled in the name of the customer as well as the site address as to where the service call is going.
  9. The start date and end date can always be adjusted here as well.
  10. You can also add any additional technicians on here if you need to for this example, I'm going to leave Steve Haze alone.
  11. And then the reason for the service call that we had entered here will automatically be pulled down in the notes here as well.
  12. So once we select create, it will create this service call on Steve Hayes calendar as well as on the dispatch calendar.
  13. And we can then submit the service call.
  14. So once we select submit service call.
  15. Service call creating successfully.


  1. It will go right to all of these service calls that we have in the system.
  2. As you can see the one that we just created is listed up top. So the most recent service call will be always be listed on top.
  3. And we can actually click right into that service call.
  4. So as an admin, you can come down here to manage service calls and view the service call.
  5. As a technician when they log in the first thing they'll see is their own personal calendar.
  6. So I'm going to come up here and select calendar. So Steve Hayes was the technician.


  1. He would see this current service call listed on his calendar.
  2. He'd be able to click it.
  3. You can see the customer name as well as the address, the data which he's going, the time frame who's assigned to it. He's alone.
  4. So we'll only show Steve and then the reason for the service call will be listed here and he's able to actually go into that service call screen right from his calendar.
  5. As an admin on the dispatch calendar that service call also display.
  6. So under Steve Hayes here we can scroll down and we can see that service call that we just created again.
  7. If you click on it, same thing, it will show the customer as well as the site address the date and time as well as the technicians that are tied to this, and the reason for the service call.
  8. So we can go right into the service call.
  9. So this is the service call screen.


  1. Here we can see the contact as well as the site.
  2. And the system tied to the service call.
  3. The reason for the service call that we had entered previously is pulled over here and this can always be updated if needed.
  4. Again, this will show on the invoice for the customer to see.
  5. And then we have any additional notes.
  6. If you'd like to add these will also show up on the invoice.
  7. Here we have the products for this.
  8. Service call which can always be adjusted. You can add more products. You can edit the current products.
  9. Here we have the installation schedule for Steve, the technician.
  10. We also have the charges that we'd entered before which can always be adjusted here as well.
  11. And then any internal notes. That we'd like to add to the service call can be entered here, at the very bottom.
  12. These will not display anywhere for the customer to see, these are strictly internal notes for the technician in the admins to view.
  13. Please scroll up.
  14. So we can see right now. We are in these scheduled phases of the service call.
  15. So the technician as they log in, they can come here to the installation schedule and this is where they'll actually select on route, arrived and complete to start the Service call

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